
Selection Box Appeal underway for Refugee Children in Dungarvan

Selection Box Appeal underway for Refugee Children in Dungarvan

Residents in the Dungarvan area are being asked to donate selection boxes for refugee children this weekend.

The sweet treats will be given to children living at the Clonea Emergency Reception and Orientation Centre, which is home to mostly young families who have gone through great suffering. Their time in Clonea EROC is used to recover physically and mentally and acclimatise to Irish society, learn English and start planning for their future.

Donations can be made at Garvey's Supervalu in Dungarvan until tomorrow

Local resident and organiser Amy Whelan said, "This year has been tough for everyone and every child deserves a gesture of recognition this Christmas. Host communities like Clonea continue to support our refugee community but resources are stretched.


"Having got to know some of the residents in the EROC I would appeal to anyone who can to donate a selection box in aid of the disadvantaged children in our community."

This appeal builds on the generosity the people of Dungarvan and Waterford shown last year with the success of the Toy Collection and, along with the work previously done by the Déise Refugee Response Group.

Mark Knowles, Manager of Clonea EROC says "From all at Clonea EROC, we thank Amy, SuperValu and all who contribute for the generous support and donations. It is very well worthwhile and much-appreciated appeal and the children here were delighted last year and I'm sure they will appreciate it just as much this year."

Welcoming the Christmas Selection Box Appeal, Mayor of Waterford City and County Council, Cllr. Damien Geoghegan commented "Christmas is the time of giving, sharing and celebrating with families, friends, neighbours and the wider community. 2020 has been a challenging year across the board for businesses and communities. As we head into the last shopping weekend before Christmas, this is a wonderfully simple initiative that will go a long way for those who have been permanently displaced from their homeland. I want to commend all involved in the initiative and encourage everyone who can give, to give."


Donations can be made by purchasing a selection box along with your shopping in Garvey's SuperValu Dungarvan and dropped into the boxes provided in-store between Friday 18th and Sunday 20th of December.
