
NPHET recommend new restrictions before the end of 2020 as 484 new cases are confirmed

NPHET recommend new restrictions before the end of 2020 as 484 new cases are confirmed

A further three deaths and an additional 484 cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed this evening by the Department of Health.

The 14-day incidence rate per 100,000 population now stands at 94.2 - which is up from 88 in yesterday's figures.

11 of today's cases are in Waterford, bringing the total number of cases in the county over the past 14 days to 92.

The incidence rate of Covid-19 in Waterford 79.2.


200 covid patients are being treated in hospital, while 31 of those are receiving intensive care.

The Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan is warning that unless people limit their contacts now, the virus will experience exponential growth in January.

It comes as Taoiseach Micheál Martin said Nphet is recommending new restrictions be introduced before the end of the year.

The country's top public health officials met today, amid growing concern at the spread of the virus.


Restrictions are due to be eased tomorrow until January 6th, allowing people to travel throughout Ireland and three households to mix.

But Nphet's recommending this period be shortened, and the government will consider the recommendations at a meeting on Tuesday.

Speaking on RTE, Taoiseach Micheál Martin says he spoke to the Chief Medical Officer, Tony Holohan, about the issue today.

Meanwhile, Health Minister, Stephen Donnelly said the reproductive rate of Covid in Ireland has risen to between 1.1 and 1.3.

NPHET met this morning and the Chief Medical Officer has warned the government there could be a significant rise in the number of cases over the next few weeks.

Travel restrictions will be lifted tomorrow for the Christmas period.
