
Waterford MEP to be European Parliament Lead-Negotiator on Far-Reaching Environment Legislation

Waterford MEP to be European Parliament Lead-Negotiator on Far-Reaching Environment Legislation

Green Party MEP Grace O'Sullivan says she is honoured to be a lead-negotiator on the 8th Environment Action Programme.

These programmes have guided the development of EU environment policy since the early 1970s

The Waterford MEP says it's an over-arching piece of legislation:

“It’s a report on a far-reaching legislative proposal from the European Commission, and is an overarching policy tool that will span 10 years to 2030. It’s one which I am honoured and excited to take on at this most crucial time for the environment.”


The 8th Environment Action Programme, with its long-term vision and the environmental priority objectives it shares with the Green Deal, will support the EU’s common commitment to a green recovery.

“As Rapporteur, it’s my job to lead the European Parliament’s response to the Commission’s legislative proposal, to analyse the project, consult with specialists and stakeholders, lead discussions on it with other members of the ENVI Committee and recommend the political ‘line’ to be followed.”

Environment action programmes have guided the development of EU environment policy since the early 1970s. The ten-year time span allows for the consideration of long-term, systemic change, with particular focus on six thematic priority objectives around: climate neutrality by 2050; resilience; circular economy: zero-pollution; biodiversity and consumption.

