
Case for expanding Waterford Garda Station made in the Seanad

Case for expanding Waterford Garda Station made in the Seanad

There are calls for further investment in Waterford Garda Station.

Fine Gael's John Cummins told the Seanad that there has been a 29% increase in Garda numbers in Waterford between 2011 and September 2020.

He welcomed the increase however, he says space is now at a premium.

"Waterford city is home to the divisional headquarters for Waterford, Carlow and Kilkenny.


"While the station was state-of-the-art when it was opened over 20 years ago, further investment is needed to expand on the existing site, perhaps over the former labour exchange, an old building that the Garda occupies but which is in need of significant upgrade and expansion works."

Senator Cummins suggested a second station could be built.

"Otherwise, perhaps the solution is the construction of a new substation on the outskirts of the city to house some of the divisional units and equipment that are currently on the constrained site.

"The latter would probably be a more appropriate use, given the projected population growth in the national planning framework."


The current Garda capital investment plan runs from 2016-2021 and it is understood a new plan will be developed during the course of 2021.

Senator Cummins called on the Ministers for Justice Helen McEntee and the Minister for the OPW Patrick O'Donovan to come before the house in the new year to discuss the next phase of development and investment in Garda facilities

In response, the Leader of the Seanad Regina Doherty said "she would arrange a debate on a new Garda capital plan in the new year".
