
ICU upgrade at UHW helps in battle against Covid

ICU upgrade at UHW helps in battle against Covid

There have been no fatalities at University Hospital Waterford's Intensive Care Unit since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Clinical Director of Intensive Care Medicine at University Hospital Waterford Mr Wahid Altaf said they've been treating patients with the disease since March and all have survived.

He was speaking as the Unit marked its recent upgrade.

There are now six individual cubicles or rooms in the main ICU.


Mr Wahid Altaf is an ICU Consultant, he said they had changed the area from an open plan space to all isolation cubicles. This means patients are at a lower risk of spreading disease amongst patients and between patients and staff.

"They are all negative pressure rooms, that means there is very little risk of cross-contamination."

Mr Altaf said the upgrade was needed despite Covid: "it makes it easier for the staff to work and it's easier for the patients as well...for their dignity, it's like staying in a room".



Mr Altaf said they have been achieving great results with Covid-19 patients at University Hospital Waterford.

"Touch wood we've been lucky here in Waterford especially, I'm proud to say we haven't had any mortality here in ICU which includes patients ranging in age from 40 to 85 years old".

He said everyone was at risk from the disease, despite their age and paid tribute to his colleagues .

"Thanks to the staff, the management and all the doctors and nurses who are working in these difficult situations".
