
40 new jobs for Waterford

40 new jobs for Waterford

UK Headquartered company Trilateral Research has announced the creation of 40 new jobs at the Port of Waterford.

The research, consultancy and technology development company say the roles will be added over the next four years.

The company’s Irish office, based in Belview is expanding to incorporate the company’s machine learning, AI and software specialisms alongside their research, data protection and cyber-risk services.

Green Party TD Marc Ó Cathasaigh welcomed the announcement:


"Today’s announcement is a vote of confidence in Waterford and our people as we build on the success of Arclabs, Nearform, TSSG, Crystal Valley Tech and others who are creating high-quality jobs as part of the knowledge economy.

We have a great quality-of-life offering here in Waterford with city and rural living side by side. We have excellent connectivity to the capital, good value housing and the chance of a good work-life balance for workers and their families. Above all, we have a highly skilled workforce. Waterford is a great place to do business and I look forward to seeing more high-quality jobs coming here in the near future.

Trilateral Research’s Co-Director, Kush Wadhwa said, “We are delighted to expand our work in Europe via the Waterford office and have been fortunate to avail of the high-quality talent pool of technology experts here in Ireland. Being co-located in Ireland also allows us to work directly with cutting edge technology companies from other international locations, enabling us to participate in international innovation efforts.”

“The South East is an emerging technology hub, and it is an excellent launch-pad for regional, national and international collaboration. We anticipate that the Waterford office will be an innovation hub for our STRIAD® platform and data protection and cyber-risk services.” added, Rachel Finn, Sr Practice Manager and Head of Irish Operations.


Tanaiste and Minister for Enterprise Trade and Employment Leo Varadkar said: This is great news for Waterford. Trilateral is a cutting-edge company and their decision to double their headcount over the next year and to create 40 new jobs over the next four years is a welcome boost for the South East. The government is focused on creating new opportunities across the country and we will be working to secure further investment for all regions, in the months and years ahead.”

CEO of IDA Ireland Martin Shanahan said: “Today’s announcement is a further vote of confidence in Waterford and the South East region’s ability to provide a highly skilled and talented workforce for companies like Trilateral Research.  It demonstrates the South East’s strong value proposition. This investment is aligned with IDA’s strategy of growing regional investments. I wish to congratulate Trilateral Research on today’s announcement and wish them every success.”

For more information on the roles available at Trilateral Research, which are in the areas of data ethics, software development, data science and data security visitwww.trilateralresearch.com/about/#careers
