
Calls for urgent review of online marts after auction collapse

Calls for urgent review of online marts after auction collapse

The country's main farm union wants the ban on livestock buyers going to marts in person urgently reviewed.

It's after auctions at up to 15 marts, including the Waterford and New Ross mart, had to be cancelled when one of the main apps being used for video sales collapsed on Saturday morning.

It should have been one of the busiest days of the busy autumn period as farmers move to take animals off their land ahead of the winter.

IFA president Tim Cullinan says marts just don't have the internet infrastructure for virtual auctions:


"The government needs to go back and review Level 5, operating procedures around markets, it needs to happen immediately.

"We need to let a limited number of buyers into the ring at the markets.

"This system is not able to carry the extra load at the moment. In the short term, this is a critical time of the year for farmers to get their cattle sold," he said.

Under Level 5 restrictions introduced by the government last week,  buyers are not allowed to enter the livestock ring at marts for livestock auctions.


Bidding takes place online with a video sales system.

Fenor farmer and president of the Irish Cattle and Sheep Association (ICSA) Edmond Phelan agreed the system had been working well under existing public health guidelines:

"I've seen the way worked for the last couple of months, people were adhering to the 2m rule they were wearing masks. You're as safe there as you are in the supermarket when you're passing people."

Edmond Phelan said he had been in touch with the Agriculture Minister on the issue and asked him to relook at the situation:

"This time of the year is when people settle up their accounts and people have to sell their cattle to do that."

He added that technological advances weren't for everyone, particularly for older farmers, and the online process could be very frustrating.
