Déise Today

Bishop Cullinan: Pope Francis' comments on Civil Partnerships doesn't mean he supports same-sex marriage

Bishop Cullinan: Pope Francis' comments on Civil Partnerships doesn't mean he supports same-sex marriage

The Bishop of Waterford and Lismore says that Pope Francis' comments on civil partnerships, does not mean he supports same-sex marriage.

This week it came to light that Pope Francis endorsed same-sex civil unions, in a documentary about the Pontiff entitled 'Francesco' that premiered in Rome on Wednesday.

Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan told Déise Today that when the Pope visited Ireland three years ago for the 'World Meeting of Families', he said a child needs a father and a mother.

Bishop Cullinan said: "Pope Francis believes that marriage is a different thing to a civil union - that marriage is between a man and a woman.


"People listening in, parents, what do they want for their son? That he'll grow up and meet a nice girl. What do they want for their daughter? That she will grow up and meet a nice guy so they will have grandchildren.

"This is God's plan."

The Bishop of Waterford and Lismore did agree with the Pope's views that there should be legal protection for same-sex couples, so they 'will not be discriminated against' however reiterated his views that marriage should involve a man and woman.

"Of course there should be no discrimination against gay people, but by the same token Jesus says, in the beginning, a man left his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two become one.


"It's the words of Christ I've come to represent."


