Déise Today

Dream come true for acid attack victim Tega...

Dream come true for acid attack victim Tega...

A YOUNG Waterford man who received severe facial injuries in an acid attack in April 2019, is about to realise a dream come true.

Tega Agherhiere (19) is heading for Western College in Texas to play soccer and study, less than two years after suffering the horrendous injuries during an incident at the Earlscourt Housing Estate on the Dunmore Road.

Tega was a promising young footballer before the shocking incident and after a long road to recovery, he returned to playing underage with Villa and then Waterford FC.

He has been studying at Waterford IT as part of the FAI ETB programme but is now US-bound after signing a deal with the US college side.


Speaking to Damien Tiernan on Deise Today, Tega said the move will be happening in January. He said he'll be playing football for the college and also studying.

His mam Christy, meanwhile, said she was "delighted" for her son and described the news as a "miracle" after everything that had happened.

"He's in a good place now; he's done very well for himself," said Christie.

Tega himself, said he would miss his friends and family but this was "another step" for him, which he was looking forward to.


Tega suffered severe burns in the April 2019 incident from what was described as a "corrosive substance".

Meanwhile, if you want to listen to the full Deise Today from this morning, please click below...
