
Plans aimed at limiting social gatherings could see off-licence hours cut

Plans aimed at limiting social gatherings could see off-licence hours cut

The owner of a Waterford bar and off-licence says he turned away a customer in recent weeks who tried to buy hundreds of euro worth of drink.

Off-licence opening hours could be cut as part of government plans aimed at clamping down on house parties.

Social gatherings in households is being linked to the spread of Covid-19.

According to the Irish Independent, the proposals were discussed at Cabinet earlier this week.


It's something that Waterford publican Martin Colebert from Norris's Bar and Off Licence has been calling for, for some time.

"I own an off-licence and I still think that off-licences could be better controlled, especially supermarkets where they are doing these special offers all the time.

"Any price-led advertising should be banned, I think the off-licences should close a bit earlier so that people can't suddenly decide at half eight or nine o'clock on a Saturday night 'let's get a few people around have a party'.

"Off-licences probably should close about 8 o'clock in my opinion, that's the time we close here in Norris's"


Martin Colebert says there could be a limit in the amount of money people can spend on alcohol.

"I had a guy in there two weeks ago, he came into the off-licence and he wanted to spend €500 on drink. I asked him 'are you having a party?' and he replied 'no we're just having a family gathering'.

"He didn't like it when I refused to give him the drink, I just wouldn't serve him, I didn't think it was the right thing to do."
