
Two Waterford FC Players Tested for Covid-19

Two Waterford FC Players Tested for Covid-19

A second Waterford FC player is being sent for testing having presented with covid-19 like symptoms.

It comes as the club's team doctor has announced her resignation from the role with immediate effect.

Tonight's announcement concerning a second player comes one day after the first player presented with “flu like” symptoms before a training session, at which point, club activity was called off and the player was sent to be tested.

An FAI statement reads: “The player was not involved with the first team for their game against Shelbourne in the SSE Airtricity League Premier Division on Saturday. The club has suspended all activity until the result of this test - and a COVID-19 test on a second player - are known. The FAI and Waterford FC will make no further comment until test results are returned.”


Test results for that first player have not yet been returned, and may yet prove to be a false alarm – results are expected tomorrow.

The first player who was sent for testing, did not play or feature on the bench in the game against Shelbourne but did travel with the squad – he is now understood to be in UHW awaiting test results, which should be known on Wednesday (5th August).

The player in question made his physical state known to the team doctor on Monday morning at which point he was sent for testing. All club activity has been called off at this point, including this week's away game with Sligo Rovers.

As of this morning the Waterford FC team doctor has left the role with immediate effect due to concerns around the club’s approach to covid-19 protocols.


The doctor who had been in the role for several years informed the club of their departure on Tuesday morning – one day after the announcement that a player had been sent for testing having exhibited “flu like” symptoms.

Asked for comment – the Public Health Team in South East Community Healthcare said that they had not received a complaint in relation to Waterford FC.

Waterford FC declined comment and advised that the HSE and FAI will be dealing with the matter.

For more on this tune into WLR Wednesday morning
