Déise Today

6yr old to do a triathlon for charity!

6yr old to do a triathlon for charity!

Charlie Colquhoun is 6 years old and loves exercising. He has decided to complete an Ironman over 60 days to raise money for charity.

This inspiring little lad is going to  "swim"  4km, cycle 180km and run 42km in 60 days to raise money for Barnardo's Covid-19 Crisis Appeal. Because the sea is outside his 5k radius and the pools are closed he has decided to do press-ups instead of swimming and will do 50 press-ups per 100m which totals 2,000 press-ups!!!

Listen to Charlie and his dad Simon tell Damien all about it on Thursday's Deise Today:


Charlie's GoFundMe page can be found here.
