Déise Today

Are we paying too much for medical products? - Deise Today Wednesday 8th April

Are we paying too much for medical products? - Deise Today Wednesday 8th April

On todays show Damien Tiernan speaks to James Cooke from Waterford company Medi Cleanse on the cost of medical products during the crisis and asks are we being ripped off?

Security editor with the Irish Independent Tom Brady has details of the new regulations signed into law last night giving Gardai extra powers to enforce the current restrictions.

Former councillor Davey Walsh tells Damien that patients are being moved into the new Waterford Residential Care Centre. The 100 bed unit replaces St Patrick's Hospital and St Aidan's Ward in St Otteran's.

And President WIT Willie Donnolly discusses how the college is dealing with the fall out from Coronavirus.

Also on the show Meave Hearne Russell and Brid Hearne speak about the upcoming anniversary of the death of their brother Dave, a well known guard who drowned tragically off Hook Head while diving the wreck of the Bouganville. The family had planned to mark the anniversary next month, which is now unlikely to happen.

Dermot Goode from Total Health Cover has advice for listeners who have been hit with increases in their health cover premiums.

Damien also speaks to Dr Ida Milne lecturer of disease history in Carlow College
