The Big Breakfast Blaa

Listen back: Eamonn McEneaney discusses a kite brooch from the 11th century in his "Waterford Treasures" slot

Listen back: Eamonn McEneaney discusses a kite brooch from the 11th century in his "Waterford Treasures" slot
Kite Brooch from 11th Centure

Par of a kite brooch from the 11th century, housed at Waterford Museum of Treasures.

While the Waterford Museum of Treasures is closed, Eamonn McEneaney is giving us a virtual tour of the great buildings on The Big Breakfast Blaa, tellings us the stories behind the fascinating artefacts housed here in Waterford.

Yesterday he discussed a Viking Sword dating back to the 9th century. You can listen to that conversation here.

Today, Eamonn turned his attentions to the Kite Brooch, which dates back to 1090AD. He explained to Ollie and me that back in the day, no one had buttons, so clothes were held together by pins (surely must have lead to many the wardrobe malfunction!)


He explains that the richer and more important you were, the bigger your brooch, have a listen here..
