Déise Today

The New Ross Bypass Finally Opens - Deise Today Wednesday 29th January

The New Ross Bypass Finally Opens - Deise Today Wednesday 29th January

The Taoiseach Leo Varadkar was in Wexford today to officially open the New Ross Bypass and the new bridge over the River Barrow which forms a major part of the €230 million investment in the South East region.

The 15km Bypass Project includes the 887-metre long structure named the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Bridge, the longest bridge in Ireland, and its two main spans are the longest post-tensioned concrete spans of their type in the world.

Maria McCann is in for Damien today and she speaks to Sean Dobbs, lead engineer with Wexford County Council.

What are the security issues with Whatsapp group? The GAA is encouraging clubs to stop using Whatsapp over data protection concerns and consent issues. It's now planning on setting up its own messaging service. Maria speaks to Darragh O Brien, founder of Castlebridge, Data governance, privacy and ethics experts.


Mary Keane from the Citizens Information Centre has information on social welfare entitlements and the rise in minimum wage.

And Ursula Hayes cognitive behavioural therapist talks about the Thrive Programme.

In the second part of the programme, Maria speaks to Peter Boland from the Alliance for Insurance Reform about bogus insurance claims after a man who claimed he was confined to a wheelchair was seen walking around.


Irish Independent education correspondent, Katherine Donnolly discusses new changes to school enrolments.

Dr Ida Milne, historian of disease, talks about the spread of disease over the last century and particularly the threat of the Coronavirus at present.

And Breda Birminghan from Mid Life Women Rock Cafes who is facilitating a 6 week information and education class on managing Menopause.
