January May Finally Be Coming To An End..
But that doesn't mean you don't deserve to be treated!
So, Ollie and Mary on The Big Breakfast Blaa are teaming up with 360 Cookhouse in Dungarvan to give YOU the chance to win a pretty class prize!
Each day this week, you could win lunch for 2 people, including a main course, tea/coffee AND a choice of 2 of their delicious cocktails.
But that's not it!
If you're a daily winner, you'll also be entered into a draw to win a €250 voucher for the new Castle Room at 360 Cookhouse!
It's all to celebrate the opening of 360 Cookhouse's new Castle Room which is ideal for all types of functions - meetings, private dining, product launches, parties and more.
Located in the culinary quarter on Castle Street, Dungarvan, 360 Cookhouse offers delicious food and drink and a casual dining experience that is welcoming, memorable and fun.
Open throughout the week, they offer artisan gourmet coffee, cakes & bakes and a truly different lunch selection and Saturday spritz brunch.
Their afternoon and evening time menu offering fresh fish and grill choices is a favourite among the locals, as is their tapas and authentic pizza range.
Also, if your canine friend is part of the family, 360 Cookhouse is a Georgina Campbell award winning pet friendly restaurant and they have their very own canine menu!
More info call 058 44237 or check out their website and book online at 360cookhouse.ie.
![360 COOKHOUSE DUNGARVAN FOOD](https://img.resized.co/wlrfm_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-lunch-for-2-and-a-euro-250-voucher-for-the-castle-room-at-360-cookhouse-dungarvan-on-the-big.png)
![360 COOKHOUSE DUNGARVAN CASTLE ROOM](https://img.resized.co/wlrfm_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/win-lunch-for-2-and-a-euro-250-voucher-for-the-castle-room-at-360-cookhouse-dungarvan-on-the-big.png)
How To Win
Ollie and Mary will have all the details each weekday morning!