General Election 2020

Mary Butler accuses Sinn Féin of being influenced by an "army council"

Mary Butler accuses Sinn Féin of being influenced by an "army council"

A Waterford TD has accused Sinn Féin nationally of being influenced by an army council.

Fianna Fáil's Mary Butler made the remarks as she ruled out her party entering into a coalition with Sinn Féin.

She told Damien Tiernan on Deise Today that she can work with local Sinn Féin TD David Cullinane.

However, she denied it was political posturing.


"Absolutely no, when you have outside influences determining what way Sinn Féin decide to do business.

She added, "I would imagine the army council in Belfast still has a significant role in how Sinn Féin do business in national politics.

Deputy Butler explained her reasoning.

"That would be a personal belief I have, I have read different things and I know there was reference made to it recently by Micheal Martin. That would be where I would come from."


In response, Waterford Sinn Féin TD David Cullinane says it's just a spurious argument from Fianna Fáil who are looking for excuses not to go into Government with his party.

"The fact of the matter is that the IRA is gone, is well gone, there is no army council.

"I can say to Mary Butler that nobody controls me, I'm my own person and Sinn Féin is a democratic party the same as any other party.

"The difference is that we're a party that is committed to investment in public services. We're not going to be in the pockets of developers or landlords or speculators.

"We will see these type of political charges, people will make up their own minds.

"The only people that I am answerable to are the people of Waterford and the people who elect me or not and that's what this election should be about."
