
Status red gale warning issued for all Irish coastal waters

Status red gale warning issued for all Irish coastal waters

Met Éireann's issued a status red gale warning for all Irish coastal waters as Storm Brendan tracks towards the country.

Gale force 8 to storm force 10 southerly winds will develop overnight and on Monday morning on all Irish coastal waters and on the Irish Sea.

Winds will reach violent storm force 11 at times from Mizen Head to Slyne Head to Malin Head.


Meanwhile, two separate status orange wind warnings have been issued for the entire country.

In Waterford, the warning comes into effect tomorrow at 8am and will remain in place until 3pm.


Southerly winds will reach mean speeds of 50 to 70km per hour with gusts of 100 to 120km per hour, higher in exposed areas.

There is a significant risk of coastal flooding due to the combination of high spring tides and storm surge.
